Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The girl you see today is just a rough draft of the masterpiece to come. A portion, a version of the magnificent finished product that has yet to enter this world.

We are all products of our environment... Of our upbringing. Our families play a vital role in defining those boundaries and characteristics. Most often we are content in this arena- happy in the class we are raised in. Rarely however, one or two will want more.

Moving up from a lower class is similar to traveling to a new country. Social norms and appropriate boundaries all have different definitions. The things you are comfortable with; the things you are used to; the things in your family and way of life that would be viewed as innocent and probably funny are ultimately insulting and regarded as distasteful as you navigate newer surroundings.

It's easy to unintentionally offend someone when you allow your white trash upbringing to show through as you move forward without a mask. Those who love you will stand by your side... Encouraging you to learn and grow. The rest will abandon you with your efforts, forever looking down on you; condescendingly as the pitiful embarrassment you are.

just because you're holding the flash light and helping me to navigate unfamiliar territory doesn't mean you're changing me. Doesn't mean you're trying to turn me into someone I'm not... On the contrary. You're helping to mold me. Helping to shape and nurture and grow me into the full potential that's buried underneath the landfill.

Flowers will grow through cracks in the concrete... Trees will bend around obstacles in their way to reach the sun. Just because the road is hard and the path seems impossible doesn't mean that The journey is a lost cause. It doesn't mean Im doomed to remain unworthy or low class... Im still here...Allowing each artists hands to make their mark... To add their skill and experience to the page. I'm still a masterpiece... Just waiting for the world to realize the train wreck was always a beautiful work of art.