"One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty, and Justice For All."
I am so tired of hearing any comment or criticism of anyone non-Caucasian suddenly indicating that the offender is an ignorant racist.
First off let me start by saying i am the FARTHEST person away from being racist. I will call it like i see it, call it like i hear it- with absolutely no regard to the color of your skin or your ethnic heritage- because frankly i don't give a damn where you're from; if you're an idiot you're an idiot!
I couldn't care less if you're black, white, yellow, orange, green, purple or rainbow with sprinkles. Nor if you're gay, straight, slightly bent, or swinging. I dont care if you rock the turbin, a mumu, or a kilt. It doesn't matter if you believe in God, Buddah, Allah, or nothing at all. Or if you drink, do drugs or are as prudent as they come. My opinion of you is based solely on your character and your actions... and more than likely on your physical attributes if you're especially unfortunate looking. Be a good person and you're alright in my book!
I'll be the first to stand up and say slavery was wrong, prejudice and discrimination are wrong- but i'm also going to be the first to stand up and say- 'Welcome to our country- learn English, work hard, be a productive & valuable member of society and pass a random drug test if you ever need to utilize governmentally funded programs.'
Ooops- call me a racist again for having pride and high expectations of our country. Sorry if you dont have enough respect for our country to learn the language.
So lets discuss double standards and the misconception of racism:
Racism is defined as: hatred or intolerance of another race or other races; a belief that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others; discrimination.
Now that we've clarified what it IS, lets talk about what it is not.
Referring to Obama as an incompetent ape because of his lack of experience and proven unsuccessful tenure as POTUS is not racist. More than once George Bush and Condoleeza Rice (who is a black woman) were depicted as a monkey's and the public looked the other way disregarding it as mere liberal political humor.
Dont get me wrong, i understand that being referred to as a monkey is a sensitive spot for some individuals because of slavery and ethnic heritage- but let it GO seriously. The Civil war ended in 1865 and while there are some areas (predominantly in the impoverished uneducated white from the south) that are still extremely racist towards the african american culture- most of the country has moved on. It seems the only culture now that really cares about playing the race card are the african americans themselves. Yes, what happened to your ancestors was unacceptable and is an embarrassment to all of us- but seriously its time to stop leaning on THAT crutch and take the race card out of the deck. Its about as useful as the Joker card of the deck.
The double standards of this country are sickening. If we were to have the United Caucasian College Fund- we would be "discriminatory and racist" If we had White History Month- we would be "discriminatory and racist" Not that i care that we have the United Negro College Fund and Black History Month- I think they are fantastic organizations and great ways to celebrate history. But the double standard is still there.
How can I as a lower-middle class White girl have the arrogance to criticize anything a black person does? That must mean i'm a racist! Bring me my shoes... lets see if they fit!
If i dont vote for Obama- it must be because i'm racist. If i didn't vote for Hilary, I must also be sexist. See? Vote for Obama because he’s Black, you are enlightened, progressive and fair minded. Don’t vote for Obama, even if it’s because you totally disagree with his unhinged liberal dementia, you are a racist.
"NO White PERSON ON EARTH is allowed to criticize Barack Obama, even on matters that have nothing to do with ethnicity such as his policies and flamingly liberal bias, because THAT WOULD BE RACIST." -Unknown
"And here’s a really racist question: Why haven’t blacks assimilated completely into American society, even after the federal government has spent more than $700 billion dollars on the poor—largely on poor blacks—since former President Lyndon Johnson vastly expanded welfare with his War on Poverty nearly 40 years ago? Irish people like me have assimilated, and my immigrant ancestors were valued below slaves when they arrived on the boats in places like New York and New Orleans at the height of their great flight from Irish hunger a century ago. And millions of Mexicans are assimilating right before our eyes. Is it really because racism continues to keep blacks down, or is it their own fault, a fault that mainly has to do with their desire—or lack of it—to stand on their own two feet? These are all terrible questions for a white man to ask, I know. I must indeed be a racist to bring these things up." -Dave Duffy
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." -Dr. Seuss
Our country is supposed to be " One nation under God" unless of coarse you're agnostic- then there is no God in your nation- but regardless, we are supposed to be ONE NATION!
We aren't 'African-Americans', 'American-Indians', 'Irish-Americans', 'Mexican-Americans'... We are AMERICANS.
We all share with the same rights, the same freedoms and the same opportunities. Its just too bad the race card is thrown in when no justifiable argument can be disclosed. The minorities of our country have more opportunity than myself as a married with children, working, law-abiding, tax paying, lower middle class white girl. You try finding scholarships for someone with my credentials!
Indivisible. We as a country pledge to be inseparable, unbreakable and unified when we state that word.
With Liberty. Encompasses our free speech, independence and opportunity.
and Justice for all... well... this is questionable looking at our justice system as of late- but thats another blog entirely! ;)
So why is it as a country we have become so separated?
We are separated by skin color, by religion, by the area we live in. And then politically we are separated- right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, tea party.. blah blah blah. Aren't we all supposed to be fighting for the same thing?
Its too bad that politics have become nothing more than high school popularity contests aimed at slandering opponents and their families, achieving social status and security while being continually fixated on crooked deals and under the table manipulations to feed their own deceitful agendas. They've all stopped being for the people they were elected to represent and now only look out for themselves.
So please explain to me how a simple comment like referring to Obama as a stupid ape- based on his social ineptitude and physical appearance falls under the category of racism. Its NOT hatred or intolerance of him because he's HALF black, I DONT believe the white race is superior- actually the opposite- most are fat; lazy white hill-billy slobs that rely on government assistance instead of putting in an honest days work. And I sure as hell am NOT discriminating or singling out Obama because he's half black. Hell lets vote in Oprah Winfrey and have ourselves the first black woman president of the United States! At least she's a better representation of her heritage than Mr Osama Obama!
A twit is a twit-
no matter what color
they are-
No matter what
country they're from,
be they near or be far.
"I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here at the bottom we, too, should have rights."- Dr. Suess
i cannot agree fully... only partially... there is a "big picture" to modern racism... example: its quite rare to hear a judge or policeman say: i dont like black people. BUT blacks normally receive harsher punishments for crimes than their white counterparts. #racism. also unless the Irish immigrants counted as 3/5 of a person they were not considered lower than slaves. the fact that marijuana is illegal has its roots in racism (random drug test)... DIRECT racism is almost non existent in america, would YOU say to a black person that u dont like blacks? (no) i have never been directly told by a white person anything racist, they figure, correctly, that id kick their ass. BUT i can say as a young black educated man that on a MACRO level, racism has been an obstacle in every aspect of my life. its harder to go through school, workplace, and ESPECIALLY on the road! so i pull the race card out a lot, i can even say more than necessary, but thts because a lot of the times it goes UNRECOGNIZED or WRITTEN OFF as something else.
ReplyDeleteI agree with a lot of what you say here, but I think where people are getting upset is the use of the word "ape" as an insult. If you were to call a mexican a spick in exchange for trying to say he is ignorant or stupid, it's not the same thing. The two are not interchangable. Calling Obama an Ape sounds racist, no matter how you meant it.
ReplyDeletePrejudice is everywhere unfortunately. I've experience profiling by law enforcement a number of times myself- so I get it. You get it as a young educated black man, my brother in law gets it as a Hispanic immigrant, I get it as a cute blonde... The point is that the black community isn't singled out anymore.
ReplyDeleteI won't argue that you get harsher punishments with judges- but that falls back under our corrupt government.
As a community however we need to stop drawing the lines between African-American and american. They will never be equality as long as the titles remain. It's great to be proud of your heritage- but like I said we aren't Dutch-Americans or British-Americans- just Americans.
As far as referring to Obama as an ape... Explain to me why the double standard with Condoleeza rice was ok? Or referring to Bush as a Nazi? There was never a word said about these things, but if you criticize the POTUS all hell breaks loose.
I'm not afraid or ashamed to say how I feel. I would tell him to his face that he very closely resembles Curious George with his hairline & ear placement. I would also tell him I think he's an incompetent ape- just as Bush was referred to continually. It only sounds racist because that's how it's misconstrued. He is Congresses monkey.
Then again, I would call a Mexican a spick just as I wouldn't call a black a nigger or a homosexual a fag or an Asian a chink or goock.... There are things that are 100% unacceptable & racist.
ReplyDeleteBut you can bet your ass if we had a Mexican president I'd probably refer to him as an ape or baboon or some other connotation of sorts.
*wouldn't call a Mexican a spick!! Ooops